
What is MADD?
What is MADD? In 1980, Candy Lightner founded Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). The effort for this program was made after Lightner lost her daughter to a drunk driver who had been a repeated offender. Her goal for MADD is to reduce as many drunk driving fatalities as possible. Lightner has found much […]
MVD Arizona Requires Screening
Alcohol Screening Arizona is who to call when MVD Arizona requires a screening in order to get a restricted driver’s license. If you have been stopped for a DUI, MVD Arizona will suspend your driver’s license for 90 days, but after 30 days, you can get a restricted license to drive to and from work, […]
We’re Here To Help
We Have Experience We have plenty of experience with the DUI process in the state of Arizona and are well acquainted with the progression of DUI cases with the local courts. We can therefore anticipate our clients’ needs as well as foresee and address any possible hiccups they may face in the process. In addition, […]
Keep it Stress Free!
Facing a DUI charge will never be completely stress-free, but there are a few choices you can make that will help the whole process flow a lot smoother. So take a deep breath, and let’s begin. It All Begins with Court Compliancy First and foremost – stay compliant with the local court system. In order to remain […]
Sticking With One Company After a DUI Conviction
After a DUI conviction in the state of Arizona, there are a number of tasks that must be completed to reinstate driving privileges and keep you out of jail or shorten your jail-time – and many of them must be completed in a particular order. When you start with your court-ordered DUI alcohol screening here […]
Why Traffic Survival School?
Though conviction of certain traffic violations (or too many of them) may lead to Arizona courts mandating a course through Traffic Survival School, this group of individuals are not the only ones who could benefit from such a course. As stated on the Arizona Department of Transportation website: “The [Traffic Survival School] Program attempts to […]
How We Offer More – Alcohol Screening Services
Our Focus Though facing DUI charges is never easy, here at Alcohol Screening Arizona we will do everything we can to help minimize the stress and streamline the process to get you back to your life faster. We know how difficult it is to continue with everyday tasks – let alone the many court orders […]
New Service- Traffic Survival School!
The name you’ve come to know and trust now offers Traffic Survival School! That’s right! To complement our ensemble of services related to court compliancy and your driving privileges, Stonewall Institute is now licensed by the Arizona Chapter of National Safety Council to offer traffic survival school.
The First Step to Reinstating Your Driving Privileges
DUI Alcohol Screening An alcohol screening is an assessment of your habitual alcohol use and may have many applications – several are solely within the health field. When choosing a company to complete your Arizona DUI alcohol screening, make sure they offer a service that fulfills courts orders, as not all companies will.
Choosing the right company makes a difference!
This is the story of Julie. Julie made the mistake of driving after she had a little too much to drink one night. She now has a few hoops to jump through before she can legally jump back behind the wheel again. The first step to reinstating her driving privileges is to complete an alcohol […]