
How Not to Enable Behavior When Someone You Love Faces a Phoenix DUI
Did someone that you care about get a Phoenix DUI? If so, you need to make sure that you help them by watching your own behavior. Enabling someone who struggles with their alcohol consumption can lead them down a path of repeated behavior. While you are not in control over the choices they make, you […]

Managing Stress Can Help You Rely on Alcohol Less
After any type of a DUI, one main goal that most people have is to rely on alcohol less. They want to break free, or at least feel as though they are in control over when they drink. Unfortunately, most who struggle with problems like DUIs, are often at the mercy of a drug or […]

Signs You Might Have an Alcohol Addiction
Are you worried you might have an alcohol addiction? If so, then you are already to the point of questioning if what you drink is too much. There are several signs that come with someone struggling with an addiction, especially one to alcohol. The sooner you take the steps to get your addiction under control, […]

Can I Still Get a DUI for Medical Marijuana?
In 2010, Arizona passed Proposition 203 which legally allowed marijuana to be dispensed under the proper prescription to patients. Though still illegal for recreational use, several states across the country are legalizing marijuana to individuals over the age of 21. With these law changes comes the question; can I still get a DUI for […]
Affordable AZ DUI Screening
Alcohol Screening Arizona offers an affordable DUI screening for anyone who needs to get an MVD alcohol screening. The screening is not a class, but a brief alcohol and drug evaluation to get an AZ restricted license so you can drive to work, school, or counseling. We beat any Arizona licensed DUI provider‘s price and we offer […]
AZ MVD Alcohol and Drug Screenings
Alcohol Screening Arizona is the one place that offers AZ MVD alcohol and drug screenings onsite or online. Sign up for convenient online alcohol screening or come into our comfortable offices. We file electronically with MVD so you can apply for your AZ restricted driver’s license. To schedule your onsite or online AZ MVD screening […]
Best DUI Screenings Arizona
Alcohol Screening Arizona provides the best DUI screenings in Arizona. This is required by ADOT to get your Arizona restricted license. We provide alcohol screenings onsite and also offer online DUI screenings. Call us today at 602-687-9481 to schedule your appointment.
Alcohol Screenings Made Easy!
Alcohol Screening Arizona makes getting an MVD alcohol screening easy by offering them either on site or online. We are an ADOT-approved screening provider. One screening will usually count for both MVD required screenings and court-ordered screenings. Call us today at 602-687-9481 and visit us at www.alcoholscreeningarizona.com. Word 2016, Excel 2016, PowerPoint 2016, OneNote 2016, Outlook 2016, […]