Tag Archives: affordable DUI screening

Do You Know Your DUI Rights in Arizona?
Do you know what to do if you get pulled over? If you have been drinking and driving, do you know what your DUI rights in Arizona are? A DUI in Arizona can carry serious consequences, including, loss of driving privileges, loss of driver license, steep fines, alcohol and substance abuse counseling, and even jail […]

Can I Still Get a DUI for Medical Marijuana?
In 2010, Arizona passed Proposition 203 which legally allowed marijuana to be dispensed under the proper prescription to patients. Though still illegal for recreational use, several states across the country are legalizing marijuana to individuals over the age of 21. With these law changes comes the question; can I still get a DUI for […]
Affordable AZ DUI Screening
Alcohol Screening Arizona offers an affordable DUI screening for anyone who needs to get an MVD alcohol screening. The screening is not a class, but a brief alcohol and drug evaluation to get an AZ restricted license so you can drive to work, school, or counseling. We beat any Arizona licensed DUI provider‘s price and we offer […]