Tag Archives: MVD required screening

Arizona DUI Facts

DUI Facts You Need to Consider Before You Go Out Drinking Again

There are tons of DUI facts out there. Some are specifically about our amazing state of Arizona, but many of them cover the United States as a whole. No matter which type of DUI facts you prefer, you need to know some of these startling statistics before you make the choice to go out drinking […]

Alcohol Screenings Made Easy!

Alcohol Screening Arizona makes getting an MVD alcohol screening easy by offering them either on site or online.  We are an ADOT-approved screening provider.  One screening will usually count for both MVD required screenings and court-ordered screenings.  Call us today at 602-687-9481 and visit us at www.alcoholscreeningarizona.com. Word 2016, Excel 2016, PowerPoint 2016, OneNote 2016, Outlook 2016, […]

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