Tag Archives: online DUI screenings

Can I Still Get a DUI for Medical Marijuana?
In 2010, Arizona passed Proposition 203 which legally allowed marijuana to be dispensed under the proper prescription to patients. Though still illegal for recreational use, several states across the country are legalizing marijuana to individuals over the age of 21. With these law changes comes the question; can I still get a DUI for […]
Easiest AZ Alcohol Screenings
Alcohol Screening Arizona offers the easiest AZ alcohol screenings. You can complete the Arizona MVD required screening either onsite in Phoenix or online. Online DUI screenings are convenient and affordable. This is an ADOT licensed provider so your screening information is electronically filed when it’s completed. Don’t wait. Call today at 602-687-9481 and visit the […]
Best DUI Screenings Arizona
Alcohol Screening Arizona provides the best DUI screenings in Arizona. This is required by ADOT to get your Arizona restricted license. We provide alcohol screenings onsite and also offer online DUI screenings. Call us today at 602-687-9481 to schedule your appointment.