Tag Archives: arizona alcohol screening

Things to Know When Pulled Over for an Arizona DUI
If you get pulled over for an Arizona DUI, you have rights that you need to know about. You have choices that you can make. Granted, the police have actions they need to take as a response to your actions, but that is just how the balance is kept. You are expected to be polite […]

Are DUIs in Arizona on the Rise Among Young Adults?
Police officers are seeing an alarming new trend today: DUIs in Arizona are on the rise, especially among young adults. This is something that lawyers are also confirming. However, there are some people who would like to argue that this isn’t exactly true. Instead, they believe that police officers are simply getting better at knowing […]

The Top Five Reasons People Drink Alcohol
Do you drink alcohol? Many people do, as they think it helps them relax, have more fun, or some other reason. It is a habit for many, so they do it without thinking a lot about it. Just because it is habit, does not mean it is safe. Many people make the mistake of habitually […]

Does a DUI in Arizona Need to Ruin Your Future?
When you get a DUI in Arizona it is because your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is above .08%. If you are pulled over for this, you will first undergo a field sobriety test. While you can refuse to take the test, doing so will result in an automatic one-year suspension of your license for your […]

What Are My Rights? Things to Know When Pulled Over for an Arizona DUI
If you get pulled over for a DUI in Arizona, you have rights that you need to know about. You have choices that you can make. Granted, the police have actions they need to take as a response to your actions, but that is just how the balance is kept. You are expected to be […]

Do You Know Your DUI Rights in Arizona?
Do you know what to do if you get pulled over? If you have been drinking and driving, do you know what your DUI rights in Arizona are? A DUI in Arizona can carry serious consequences, including, loss of driving privileges, loss of driver license, steep fines, alcohol and substance abuse counseling, and even jail […]

Can I Still Get a DUI for Medical Marijuana?
In 2010, Arizona passed Proposition 203 which legally allowed marijuana to be dispensed under the proper prescription to patients. Though still illegal for recreational use, several states across the country are legalizing marijuana to individuals over the age of 21. With these law changes comes the question; can I still get a DUI for […]
Sticking With One Company After a DUI Conviction
After a DUI conviction in the state of Arizona, there are a number of tasks that must be completed to reinstate driving privileges and keep you out of jail or shorten your jail-time – and many of them must be completed in a particular order. When you start with your court-ordered DUI alcohol screening here […]
How We Offer More – Alcohol Screening Services
Our Focus Though facing DUI charges is never easy, here at Alcohol Screening Arizona we will do everything we can to help minimize the stress and streamline the process to get you back to your life faster. We know how difficult it is to continue with everyday tasks – let alone the many court orders […]
Facing DUI Charges Can Be An Intimidating Experience – We’re Here to Help
Don’t Panic Facing DUI charges can be an intimidating experience and a stressful time in one’s life. Don’t panic because we are here to help; become empowered by educating yourself with the process and with what’s expected of you these next couple months. And don’t forget, we will be able to help you with many of […]