Tag Archives: DUI screening

DUI Facts You Need to Consider Before You Go Out Drinking Again
There are tons of DUI facts out there. Some are specifically about our amazing state of Arizona, but many of them cover the United States as a whole. No matter which type of DUI facts you prefer, you need to know some of these startling statistics before you make the choice to go out drinking […]

Steps for Taking Care of Yourself After a DUI
When it comes to taking care of yourself after a DUI in Arizona, there are several things you need to consider. First, you need to make sure you set your life up so you do not repeat the same mistakes. Second, you need to get your health in order so that you can move forward […]

Life After a DUI Arrest
After a DUI arrest, you need to know how to get your life back on track. Contact us here at Alcohol Screening Arizona for help. We know what steps to start with. Right after a DUI arrest, your mind is reeling. Your emotions are going to be all over the place, and you may have […]

Why Commercial DUI Charges Are Harsher Than Regular DUIs
Arizona is a zero-tolerance state when it comes to alcohol and drug DUI. This means that even if your blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) is under 0.08% (a man weighing 220lbs. can have two drinks – 12oz. of 5% beer, 5oz. of 12% wine, or 1.5 oz. of 40% liquor) an officer can still arrest you if […]

The Aftermath of a DUI
Are you currently facing the aftermath of an Arizona DUI, or worried that someone you care about is about to be? There are a lot of reasons to be worried about that situation. The aftermath of an Arizona DUI comes in many facets, and they can all be equally as devastating if not managed properly. […]

Can I Still Get a DUI for Medical Marijuana?
In 2010, Arizona passed Proposition 203 which legally allowed marijuana to be dispensed under the proper prescription to patients. Though still illegal for recreational use, several states across the country are legalizing marijuana to individuals over the age of 21. With these law changes comes the question; can I still get a DUI for […]
Easy AZ DUI Alcohol Screenings
Alcohol Screening Arizona offers easy AZ DUI alcohol screenings to relieve some of the stress of getting a DUI in Arizona. And we know how stressful it can be! First, you experience the shock of being pulled over, then the guilt and shame move in, and finally you start to beat yourself up over making […]
Convenient DUI Alcohol Screening AZ
Alcohol Screening Arizona offers the most convenient AZ DUI alcohol screenings. That’s because you can complete a DUI screening in their Phoenix offices, or get an Arizona DUI screening online. We are an AZ licensed DUI provider, so you know that we will electronically file your screening completion with the MVD as soon as it’s […]