Tag Archives: alcohol screening DUI

DUI Facts You Need to Consider Before You Go Out Drinking Again
There are tons of DUI facts out there. Some are specifically about our amazing state of Arizona, but many of them cover the United States as a whole. No matter which type of DUI facts you prefer, you need to know some of these startling statistics before you make the choice to go out drinking […]

Quotes to Inspire You to Seek Help for Your Alcohol Problem
Has there ever been a point where you have thought about getting help for your alcohol problem? If so, then you will be happy to know there are a lot of options out there. You can turn to a substance abuse therapist to help you through the problem or you can turn to the services […]

Signs You Might Have an Alcohol Addiction
Are you worried you might have an alcohol addiction? If so, then you are already to the point of questioning if what you drink is too much. There are several signs that come with someone struggling with an addiction, especially one to alcohol. The sooner you take the steps to get your addiction under control, […]

Steps for Taking Care of Yourself After a DUI
When it comes to taking care of yourself after a DUI in Arizona, there are several things you need to consider. First, you need to make sure you set your life up so you do not repeat the same mistakes. Second, you need to get your health in order so that you can move forward […]

Alcohol Withdrawals Can Wreak Havoc on Your Body
If you struggle with alcohol, you may know a thing or two about alcohol withdrawals. If not, then let us help you understand them a bit more. They are dangerous, and they can literally lead to a situation where your body begins to shut down. You should only ever detox from alcohol under careful medical […]

Understanding the Dangers of Over the Counter Addictions
Many people overlook over the counter addictions, thinking they are no big deal. They underestimate the damage they can cause regularly. If you or someone you care about is abusing over the counter medications, it can cause a lot of serious side effects. Just because you can buy a medication from a local drug store […]

Life After a DUI Arrest
After a DUI arrest, you need to know how to get your life back on track. Contact us here at Alcohol Screening Arizona for help. We know what steps to start with. Right after a DUI arrest, your mind is reeling. Your emotions are going to be all over the place, and you may have […]

Why Commercial DUI Charges Are Harsher Than Regular DUIs
Arizona is a zero-tolerance state when it comes to alcohol and drug DUI. This means that even if your blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) is under 0.08% (a man weighing 220lbs. can have two drinks – 12oz. of 5% beer, 5oz. of 12% wine, or 1.5 oz. of 40% liquor) an officer can still arrest you if […]

The Aftermath of a DUI
Are you currently facing the aftermath of an Arizona DUI, or worried that someone you care about is about to be? There are a lot of reasons to be worried about that situation. The aftermath of an Arizona DUI comes in many facets, and they can all be equally as devastating if not managed properly. […]

Things to Know When Pulled Over for an Arizona DUI
If you get pulled over for an Arizona DUI, you have rights that you need to know about. You have choices that you can make. Granted, the police have actions they need to take as a response to your actions, but that is just how the balance is kept. You are expected to be polite […]